Green Living

Cool green websites

I interviewed Green Guru Chris Goodall recently about living a greener life and he told me, if there is one big thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint, it’s stop flying! He’s done it for about four years, but it’s a tough call if your family is spread around the world.

Other experts say simply reduce the amount you consume. Every time you’re about to buy something, whether it’s food for the kitchen, toys for the kids, a new hot gismo, or a new pair of shorts for your wardrobe, they say: stop and ask yourself, do I really need this? Can we make do, can we fix the one we have, can we be creative?

Here are some cool websites to get you started – they’re packed with great ideas to reduce your carbon footprint, live more simply and help spread the word about global warming. Don’t forget, it’s OK to start with baby steps…it gets addictive, especially when your kids get involved. Remember, as mothers, we can change the world…

You’re welcome to write and share YOUR favorite websites and ideas for living more greenly. Every month, we’ll be featuring new cool tips for green living.

Cheers Alison van Diggelen

ps click the link below for some green living tips will that cost you NOTHING!

Five quick green tips that will cost you NOTHING!