LinkedIn: April Kelly’s tips on building your brand

LinkedIn: April Kelly’s tips on building your brand

by Alison van Diggelen, Host of Fresh Dialogues

I interviewed LinkedIn director, April Kelly, at the Women In Technology International (WITI) conference in Silicon Valley.  She’s a former PayPal executive who describes herself as an effervescent leader and energetic coach. I asked her:

– why is it worth joining a (biz) social networking site like LinkedIn?

– tips on building our brand and optimizing our online profile?

– how can you rebrand yourself and build a new career using LinkedIn tools? (April has some great ideas for you if you’ve lost your job, or are looking for a new opportunities)

She outlines how to use “recommendations” and “answer” forums to build your reputation and establish your expertise online. Checkout her online profile if you need inspiration.

Listen to this seven minute Fresh Dialogue:

Download or listen to this lively Fresh Dialogues interview


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